1. Installation

1.1. PyPI

cernopendata-client is available on PyPI. You can install it into your personal user space by doing:

$ pip install --user cernopendata-client

You can also install it into a new virtual environment:

$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/cernopendata-client
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/cernopendata-client/bin/activate
$ pip install cernopendata-client

If you would like to use a more performing pycurl library for downloading data, please add the pycurl flavour while installing the client. Note that you need to have curl and openssl set up on your system:

$ pip install cernopendata-client[pycurl]

Additionally, if you would like to use the powerful XRootD protocol for downloading data, please add the xrootd flavour when installing the client. Note that you would need to have xrootd set up on your system:

$ pip install cernopendata-client[xrootd]

Finally, note that you can combine both flavours, if you wish to have both capabilities:

$ pip install cernopendata-client[pycurl,xrootd]

1.2. Docker

If you would like to use cernopendata-client as a standalone Docker container, you can pull and use the client image as follows. Note that the image contains both pycurl and xrootd flavours:

$ docker pull docker.io/cernopendata/cernopendata-client
$ docker run -i -t --rm docker.io/cernopendata/cernopendata-client --help